It Is Important to Have a Drug Possession Lawyer Who Can Present a Strong Defense
Drug possession is a serious criminal charge which includes the possession of any controlled substances or drugs like marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, prescription drugs for which you do not have a prescription, etc. Most drug charges are considered felonies, with the exception of small amounts of marijuana, and can result in very serious penalties, usually including prison and severe fines. The courts prosecute drug charges to the fullest extent of the law and ever since the “war on drugs” campaign, States are prosecuting drug possession charges even harder. It is very important that you have an aggressive and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer who knows how to present a strong defense on your behalf. Our drug possession attorneys have years of experience and exhaustive knowledge of the laws surrounding drug charges and will defend you passionately and skillfully.
The results of your drug possession case will have a lasting effect on the rest of your life, whether you are a juvenile or adult. Even misdemeanor drug charges can prohibit you from obtaining employment or admittance to schools. Most employers run background checks on every perspective employee and will likely deny your application based on your drug history alone. Your criminal record can also make it very difficult to qualify for apartments and other housing. Our drug possession lawyers will look into every aspect of your case in order to prevent these life-devastating ramifications from happening to you.
Every criminal case is full of important details, circumstances, and life-histories that directly affect the outcome of the court decision. You may have been charged with drug possession for merely being in a car where a small amount of marijuana was present or you may have been caught with a large amount of cocaine in your pocket. Every case is different and our criminal attorneys understand that. We look into the arrest process itself, ensuring that any drugs were, in fact, discovered legally and that your rights were upheld. If an illegal search was carried out then any evidence of drugs found should not be admissible in court. And, if you did not actually have drugs ON YOU, then you may have been wrongfully charged and it is crucial to have a criminal defense attorney who will fight for you. It is also a goal of ours to fend off any additional or escaladed charges such as drug possession for sales or drug trafficking. Our drug possession attorneys have a long history of successful drug cases – minimizing sentencing, receiving dismissals, and helping clients avoid jail time.
May people who are accused of drug possession often have a drug addiction, and are not hardened criminals. If this is the case, we strive to have your drug charges tried in drug court, a court that views the defendant as an individual who needs rehabilitation and treatment, not necessarily punishment. This can be a great way to actually treat the real issue, your addiction, rather than you being treated like a criminal who deserves jail or prison time. Our criminal attorneys may be able to help you avoid jail or probation through a drug prevention program, whether through criminal or drug court.
If you or a loved one have been accused of possessing illegal drugs, but have not yet been charged with a crime, CALL US IMMEDIATELY. We may be able to prevent charges from being filed against you by defending you before the investigation begins to build steam. We have a long history of warding off charges and ensuring an out-of-court solution to your situation. It is important, whether you are innocent or guilty of drug possession, that you do everything in your power to stop the investigation at the start. Once you have been charged with a crime your case will be more difficult to defend and the likelihood of a dismissal or acquittal decreases.
Whatever situation you or your loved one is in, give us a call today for a free consultation so we can discuss your case and begin to lay the foundation for your defense.
If you are seeking the best in knowledgeable legal representation and a criminal defense firm that will treat your case with consideration and concern, please contact us at 919-989-8900 for a FREE confidential consultation.