Spousal support, or alimony, is handled quite differently. Support payments may not be awarded in every divorce, and, if it is, the amount and duration will vary depending upon the factual circumstances present. Alimony may be awarded for one of the spouses while the divorce is ongoing, as well as for a specific period of time after the divorce has been finalized. It could possibly even be permanent if the couple’s standard of living prior to the divorce requires such an award.
Courts will examine the assets and earning power of the spouses to determine each spouse’s need and ability to pay alimony. Each spouse will have an opportunity to request or contest alimony awards, and we have ample experience assisting on both sides of this issue.
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To speak to our Smithfield spousal support attorneys, please call our office at 919-989-8900 or send us an email. We are confident that we will be able to help you throughout your spousal support/alimony case.